- anopheline mosquito
- см. malaria mosquito* * *комар малярийный
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
anopheline — I noun any mosquito of the genus Anopheles • Hypernyms: ↑mosquito • Member Holonyms: ↑Anopheles, ↑genus Anopheles II adjective relating to or characteristic of malaria mosquitoes … Useful english dictionary
anopheline — adjective Of or pertaining to the anopheles mosquito … Wiktionary
anopheline — Referring to the Anopheles mosquito. * * * anoph·e·line (ə nofґə lēn) pertaining to or caused by mosquitoes of the tribe Anophelini … Medical dictionary
Malaria — An infectious disease caused by protozoan parasites from the Plasmodium family that can be transmitted by the sting of the Anopheles mosquito or by a contaminated needle or transfusion. Falciparum malaria is the most deadly type. The symptoms of… … Medical dictionary
Plasmodium falciparum — Blood smear of Plasmodium falciparum (gametocytes sexual forms) Scientific classification Domain … Wikipedia
Edward Hamilton Aitken — by the pen name of Eha. Early life Eha was born at Satara in the Bombay Presidency on August 16 1851. His father was the Rev. James Aitken, missionary of the Free Church of Scotland. His mother was a sister of the Rev. Daniel Edward, a missionary … Wikipedia
Chagasia — ? Chagasia Научная классификация Царство: Животные Тип: Членистоногие Класс … Википедия
Parasitism — This article is about relationship between organisms. For other uses, see Parasite (disambiguation). Brood parasitism is a form of parasitism Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship between organisms of different species where one organism … Wikipedia
parasitism — /par euh suy tiz euhm, si /, n. 1. Biol. a relation between organisms in which one lives as a parasite on another. 2. a parasitic mode of life or existence. 3. Pathol. a diseased condition due to parasites. 4. (in some totalitarian countries) a.… … Universalium
anopheles — anopheline /euh nof euh luyn , lin/, adj., n. /euh nof euh leez /, n., pl. anopheles. any mosquito of the genus Anopheles, certain species of which are vectors of the parasite causing malaria in humans, distinguished from other mosquitoes by the… … Universalium
History of malaria — The history of malaria predates humanity, as this ancient disease evolved before humans did. Malaria, a widespread and potentially lethal infectious disease, has afflicted people for much of human history, and has affected settlement patterns.… … Wikipedia